Monday, March 21, 2011

March Gladness

We follow the NCAA Mens' Basketball Tournament around here pretty closely.  It's usually just me and Alec tracking our Tarheels, with Christy mumbling something about, "I hate Carolina" or "Why don't they let someone else win sometimes?" as if all the world would be happy if each school simply took turns being NCAA champions.  Wouldn't that be exciting?  March Drabness.

I see her point, though.  Carolina hasn't lost an NCAA tournament game since losing to Kansas in the Final Four in 2008.  Of course, they didn't play in the tournament in 2010, because, as everyone knows, no NCAA tournament took place that year.  Was there even a champion named that year?  Who can remember?

But this year is different.  We have a legitimate tournament again now that the Tarheels are back in it.  And, there's a special interest from one BYU alumni in our house, and another who was recently accepted there.  In fact, there's more than a little interest.  There's a little bit of over-confidence, if you ask me.

Christy's Dream T-Shirt

When Christy filled out her bracket this year, she went straight to the center and wrote, in big letters, "BYU."  Then she added commentary such as, "Shall the youth of Zion falter?" and "Onward Christian Soldier" and "True to the Faith."  From there, she filled out the rest of her bracket, choosing teams to win based on how she liked the sound of their names, paying absolutely no attention to seedings, won-lost records, conferences, experience or strength of schedule.

The result after the first weekend?  I got 8 of the Sweet 16 correct.  Christy got 11.

I can accept that.  It was a wild weekend.  And with my Heels still alive, and Christy's Cougars looking strong, all is well for the moment.  At least for this week, there will be March Gladness in our home.  Hope abounds with both UNC and BYU in the Sweet 16.  On a collision course with destiny, perhaps?  Could it be a UNC-BYU final?  Could Abbie's college choice be dependent on whether Jimmer can outscore Barnes?  Will a Rose bloom in Texas, or will Ol' Roy bring home another for the trophy case?

As such dreams play out in my head, March Gladness turns to March Badness.  This sort of final would be a bad idea.  Christy asked me recently who I would root for in a UNC-BYU game.  I laughed.  She didn't. 

You see, in her mind, Carolina has enough championships.  In my mind, the words "enough" and "championships" are never in the same sentence.  So, to preserve our marriage, here is my vow:  I will hope that both teams independently go the distance, while at the same time praying both teams don't actually go the distance at the same time -- sort of non-independently, or somewhat non-exclusively from each other, so to speak, in general unequivocal, if notwithstanding unambiguous, terms.  That's my story, at least.  That should make it clear where I stand on the issue.

Of course, in all honesty, I think we're both in for some March Sadness.  I don't think either of them will really go the distance this year.  My bracket has Kansas cutting down the nets.  But, as proven after the first weekend, I'm only right half the time.  Christy, on the other hand, well, she's right 69% of the time.


Onward Christian soldier . . .

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