Christmas Poems

Since 1999, I have written a Christmas poem each year that we've sent out with our
Christmas cards.  Many of our friends have been kind enough to actually read them,
which they probably shouldn't do, because it only encourages me to keep writing them. 
Nonetheless, they've become a journal of sorts for our family, and so we present them
to you here in their entirety, but without all the decorative trimmings that Christy always
includes in the cards that make the poem appear better than it really is..  Read at your own

 Christmas 2010

  As nights grow more chilled, my senses arise,
    Tugging sensations I’ve verse to devise,
       Less devious than charmed, words rush to the page,
           Don’t sound the alarm, be wary my age,
        What rushes out is often deleted,
     As meter and rhyme prove poorly meted,
    Patience, like Christmas, we pray shall prevail,
    This greeting we hope is proof of that tale!

   Hail to you dear friend, good Christmas is here!
     With it poetic details of the year.
         Stout-hearted and true, our friends ye must be,
            Strong-stomached as well, for this poetry,
          If be ye not thus, stop here and farewell,
        But if ye be so, read on, for all’s well!

   Two thousand and ten, the point of this piece,
      We picked up a pup, we married a niece,
         Recouped two grandmas, joined gym for good health,
            Hang on, I’m getting ahead of myself.
           Let’s start, per custom, with kid verse motifs,
         Though much to relate, we strive to be brief!

 To baptismal font went sweet Maya Kate,
 ‘Cause that’s what you do when Mormons turn eight,
   She knows what she wants, she does things her way,
     Tumbling and singing, she writes through our days,
   Sometimes she’s goofy, but always pure joy,
    Pretending already she’s into the boys,
  Digs all scenes diva, from Swift to Gomez,
We’ve all learned to mind her, and do what she says!

    Evan turned ten and with that you can bet,
      Like his elder sibs, he picked out a pet,
         (Though reptiles ‘round here are cursed from the start,
           Cute puppies, we’ve learned, can heal broken hearts.)
         In bedrooms and singing, solo he goes,
      White belt in defense, blue belt in Webelos,
    Frustrates his teachers with card flips at school,
     But look at his grades – the boy is no fool.

 Seems on his iPod he spends all his days,
   But who can complain, he’s making all A’s,
     At six each morn, he’s at seminary,
       Center in football, sophomore at Cary,
      Now he’s completed each Eagle Scout task,
      Always he’s willing to do what we ask,
       Like offer his room so grandma can rest,
        Alec is always prepared for the test!

 For Abbie, I just don’t know where to start,
  Let’s say she does it, if it be called art,
   Acting, music, a leader in chorus,
    We’re blessed each day while she performs for us,
     Senior in high school, we’ve trepidation,
      Close draws the date of her graduation,
       What happens next?  We prefer to pretend,
         Our Abbie-filled lives will persist without end.

 Justin’s life path a bit unorthodox,
   Transferred from college to school of hard knocks,
      Brand new apartment is teaching life skills,
         Cooking and cleaning and paying the bills,
      At bankruptcy firm, he works for the law,
    Keeps far from trouble and pet scorpion’s claw,
     As kind a Justin as we’ve always known,
       May life be as kind now he’s on his own.

   Cockatiels, doggies and lizards, oh my!
      Not so much lizards, we gave it a try,
         If not for Leo, there’d be no Wrigley,
            Our new little pup, soft-furred and wiggly,
          Judging by Ellie and Cocoa’s retort,
        Indicates they don’t approve of his sort,
      But he, we suspect, cares not what they think,
   He knows he’s cute (and his breath doesn’t stink.)

  How many verses can one man create,
    Explaining just how his wife is so great,
      I’ve writ of beauty, her manner so sweet,
       Patience, longsuff’ring, her will to entreat,
         Her fervent and passioned pursuit of life,
          Her trust and support, that’s Christy, my wife,
    Whom I’d never trade for all the world’s gold,
      And whom I shall love long after I’m old.
   (And now something new, a poetic first,
     Maya has offered to write the next verse.)

  Well, Dad, the sweet guy in our family,
    He is nice, cute and doesn’t watch Glee,
      He hates when MK looks at his stuff,
       He is skinnier than a bull that is sure to be buff,
      He sleeps, and snores all night,
       Probably, because he is very tight,
        He loves to play Civ, but not more than Evan,
         In three years he will be forty-seven,
       He doesn’t have his own elf,
        To put up on the tree himself.

     (If you require some more explanation,
    Please see Maya for interpretation.)

 Now here is the point, for those who are new,
   Where tend we to lose a reader or two,
       Where rookies among us, not quite as strong,
           Did not expect this to go on this long,
       And start to lose steam, don’t think they will last,
   But those in the know know here we move fast!

  Started the year in pure Disney fashion,
    Stayed in Orlando’s grand Peery mansion,
     While slept off the world their New Year’s countdown,
        We hit the parks, almost no one around!
         Our trip to DC did not go as fine,
           Pocket was picked as we stepped off the line.
         Northward we drove, latter part of the year,
       Sara got hitched in the land of Revere!
      Our beautiful niece turned beautiful bride,
    Her gorgeous wedding was well worth the ride!
   Just like my sister, she married Joe Hughes,
   Same name, diff’rent Joe, so don’t get confused.
    Maya cast petals ‘ere walking the aisle,
     We toured the North End in Boston awhile!
   And Dave & Sue’s Jase, though hard to let go,
 Is serving with faith down in Mexico,
  Though to his return we all look well toward,
    How grateful we are for our Elder Ward!
   Surgeries for grandmas, both planned and unplanned,
  Kept concerned fam’ly and friends in demand,
  Both on the mend now, in spite of all that,
   We love our sweet grandmas Peggy and Pat!
  Alec hiked fifty in one week in June,
 Loved the adventure, except the beef stew,
  And when he came home, the very next day,
   Eagled his project at YMCA!
    Abbie had own high adventure of sort,
     With overnight stay in Detroit airport!
    And Evan a Pal to kids with much need,
   To eat with, play games, or just sit and read.
  Beach week with friends, the Winkels and Connors,
   Canopy stood, Linda’ took honors,
    And one rule of thumb we’ve learned to rehearse,
     Whatever’s missing, just check Sherene’s purse.
   Abbie queen fairy in Midsummer Night,
 Alec’s now driving, his license in sight,
  Evan our biker, mastered two-wheeler,
   Justin our friend of all used car dealers,
    Maya our budding new violinist,
     Christy’s just hoping this poem is finished,
     And so it must end, much to her delight,
   And probably yours, if inklings be right!

So, there you have it, despite some strange looks,
 One more Christmas poem is now in the books,
And though life at times seems somewhat bizarre,
   No doubt in our minds how grateful we are,
    For fam’ly, friends, for Christmas traditions,
     For eternal love without conditions,
      Which is no more widespread than on this day,
        When He gave His Son to lead us the way,
         If we can follow with love’s pure intent,
       Then Christmas and life will be most well spent!

   Toward that objective, we bid thee goodbye,
       Love May’,Ev’,Al’,Ab’, Jus’, Christy and I!

Christmas 2009

‘Ere we begin, designs are created,
Themes are selected, costs estimated,
Materials purchased, and contracts signed,
Timeframes provided, and schedules aligned.
If poems were writ, like built were kitchens,
I’d surely pay for this to be written!
‘Tis not so simple, though, just isn’t done.
Why pay someone else to have all the fun?
Most likely so, no poet contractor,
Could rightly two-thousand-nine recapture.
Such substitute lyrics just wouldn’t do,
In sending our Christmas greetings to you.
And thus, says Christy, I must be the prime,
On this do-it-yourself end-of-year rhyme.

For this work in progress, please pardon my mess,
And bring your own patience, in case I digress.
Since jokes are still wet, quips not fully wired,
Your good sense of humor may be required.
But other than that, there’s nothing you need,
Grab a cup of hot cocoa, sit back and read!

For our eldest Justin, pretty big year,
Our Cary High Imp turned App Mountaineer.
A legal adult, and legal we stress,
Ol’ college life doesn’t come without tests!
At home we miss him, and I don’t believe,
We said that our kids could just grow and leave.
Though loving exploring the hills of Boone,
No doubt in our minds, he left home too soon.

For sixteen years now, the guys had to wait,
For Abbie to say okay to a date,
And now that she can, it’s not all that bad,
As I understand, they all fear her dad!
Sings in the chorus, the Drama Club prez,
Loves new Kawai like a fresh Sporcle quiz!
Twitters and Facebooks and reads by the gross
But face her in Puerto Rico, you’re toast!

A big year of change for Alec, our third,
As lines between boy and man become blurred.
Middle school done, now our next Cary Imp,
Taller than Justin, to me still a shrimp.
Played jayvee football, his team won its league,
By message count stats, his texting intrigues.
He’s now “permitted” to drive off in style,
With braces removed, more reasons to smile!

To his love of Potter, most can’t hold a candle,
No Pokemon question is too hard to handle.
His rocket launch entry was most elevative,
His Optimus derby car won most creative.
And just in case we have left any doubt,
We’re talkin’ Evan, our trusty Cub Scout!
Who’d just as soon give his mother a kiss,
As he would Alec a taste of his fist!

When Maya turned seven, start of the year,
Her three friends and she went out building bears.
Our final Wizard to start second grade,
Her hist’ry preserved by art that she’s made,
Adorning her walls, she colors our world,
Makes known opinions, that’s our little girl!
Holds well a grudge, ‘less you have a death wish,
Don’t mention to her the word “jellyfish!”

Defying all odds, we still have the pup,
Eleven years now, she’s still keeping up.
Not much of a guard dog, fears anything loud,
She’s still earned her place as part of the crowd.
The bird, au contraire, me patience she tries,
Gives love to the girls, and bites all the guys.
In battle to rid her, I’ve thrown in the towel,
I’m stuck, it does seem, with both dog and fowl!

It’s been twenty years since I married Chris,
I still recall fondly that very first kiss,
And all the years since, each better with age,
Can I convey it – one verse on one page?
How can such a tale of true love be told,
With only mere letters arranged on a scroll?
If everything beautiful all became one,
You’d have Christy standing there when you were done.

So after the wife, the pets and the kids,
I’m now s’posed to tell this year what I did.
I worked here and there, and played then and now,
I watched my kids grow, and oft wondered how,
I could simply freeze time, keep moments from passing,
Keep birthdays from coming, stay now everlasting.
But, mem’ries are born from each moment perished,
Making life cruel, yet also more cherished.

And now we have reached this epic’s mid-term,
Where less patient readers fidget and squirm,
But you know too well, the end is quite near,
Hang on for the ride, it’s downhill from here!

Alec’s first trip to the Dean Dome went fine,
Heels won the game by a mere thirty-nine,
In championship game, Chris cheered for them, too,
Doubtful she is though, to don the light blue!
Speaking of cheering, we cheer Mr. P,
Evan still talks of his teacher grade three!
And when Maya talks, you may hear some hissing,
Since most of her teeth this year have gone missing!
Justin and Jayme for their graduation,
Lost way on their trip -- all praise education!
Though he studies hard, at times it appears,
His mind’s on a beach in Hawaii somewhere!
We, Carol and Laura in Charlotte all met,
At Wolf Lodge with cousins, we got plenty wet!
With Thompson fam’ly, loved Kure Beach fling,
Save Maya’s and Alec’s jellyfish stings!
Chris, Abbie to mountains for all girl vacation,
For second amendment, gained new ‘preciation!
My high school reunion, class eighty-four,
Twenty-five years since I walked out those doors,
Made all the rounds and rubbed every shoulder,
To some I looked young, others much older!
Al’ hiked fifty miles one week in July,
First question back, “Is it true Jackson died?”
We’re happy to say our kitchen is done,
What’s even better? The outhouse is gone!
Dan played Uncle Bill, Abbie Young Mary,
As Wonderful Life was staged in Cary!
Christy’s fine nephew we’ll mention because,
A Taylor-made Elder, if ever there was!
But also on Christy’s side of the tree,
Three relatives lost from her family,
A tree that she knows bears beautiful fruits,
So grateful she is for her Utah roots!
On annivers’ry, though twenty is china,
We stayed here at home in North Carolina,
And just reminisced of years that we’ve shared,
And you, our dear friends, ‘cause you’ve always cared!
‘Cause only dear friends would still be reading,
Which proves you’re the friends we’re always needing!

And so, I say, I’m a project completer,
Another year done, all rhymed out in meter,
Packaged and neatly tied up in a bow,
Though not the best work, I’m no pro, you know.
But this I know, and hope you’ll remember,
In moments of peace amidst this December,
Though no man is perfect, one that lived was,
Perfecting us all was His greatest cause,
And at Christmas time, may we that Man praise,
And follow our Savior through all our days,
And when we fall short, our spirits He’ll lift,
The greatest, He is, of all Christmas gifts!

Our wish for you all, is true happiness,
Love, Maya, Ev’, Al’, Ab’, Just’, Dan and Chris!

Christmas 2008
 elled are the oak leaves, by breeze briskly bought,
Flown are the songbirds, ‘til spring they’ll be sought,
Short is the daylight, befrosted the night,
All mean but one thing, ‘tis Christmas in sight!
Passed is the evening of tricks and of treats,
Gave is the thanks for the fruits and the meats,
Alas, hear the bells, they’re ringing in place,
Cherish the choirs, they’re singing with grace,
All stand in ready for Santa to come,
Except for one thing - this poem ain’t quite done!

 et hold it ye do, completed and lyrical,
Product of this season’s first Christmas miracle,
And miracle two, ye may deem more curse,
Still reading are ye, despite that first verse.
But that’s what you do, it’s why you’re so great,
The reason you’re loved in twenty-oh-eight,
And love you we shall, ‘til poems cease to exist,
A day we believe you’ll not strongly resist!

et’s pick on the pets, get them out of the way,
No, really, I mean, get them out of the way!
 Like Myrtle our turtle, now she took the hints,
Escaped this past summer, we ain’t seen her since.
But Cocoa and Ellie, the dog and the bird,
One could have better breath, one be more unheard,
One sleeps at my feet, each day tries to fight ‘em,
One peeps at my hands, each day tries to bite ‘em,
Though banished would be all beasts feathered and hairy,
‘Tis Chris’ and the kids’ love which grants sanctuary!

 e’ll start with Abbie, if versed alphabetical,
Sweet daughter, great sis’, and actress dramatical.
Graduated from Hogwarts to dear old Shiz,
Plays all things piano, from Gump to Les Mis,
At writing, creative, at texting, quite fast,
(If only she knew where her cell phone was last.)
Went up to New York on her first solo flight,
With Cheryl & Haley had one Wicked night,
No challenge too lofty, no tree she can’t climb,
Our best leading lady, ahead of her time!

p next would be Alec, our son of fourteen,
Our late night homeworker and straight A machine,
A near baseball champion, they lost by one run,
A feared football lineman, I think they won one,
He wore sixty-three, just to honor his dad,
(In truth, he admits, t’was the last shirt they had.)
In Science Olympics, he brought home the gold,
Event was the weather, he knows hot and cold.
Together we pulled for McCain, Cubs and Heels,
Perhaps we’ll know next year how victory feels!

 he “Digster” we call him, that’s Evan, he’s eight,
Better reader than eater, all else is great.
Like Alec, he’s up for a Pokemon fight,
Like grandpa, his hair has a party each night,
Like Abbie, he’s learning piano to play,
Like Maya, he’s eager to offer to pray,
Like Mommy, he’s thoughtful, and wise and dear,
By Justin, he chose to be baptized this year,
Chess player, relayer of things scientific,
Our best story teller, with details specific!

ur Cary High senior, an imp through and through,
 Dreaming of college, applications still due.
Inherited Sunfire was great-grandpa Gabe’s,
Will truck or the car now attract the most babes?
This summer to Utah for two solid weeks,
While biking the canyons, he busted his cheeks,
True lover of life, speedy talker and smooth,
Mr. Cary contestant won Mr. Moves,
That’s Justin grown up now, soon off on his way,
The day he arrived seems like just yesterday.

 rom oldest to youngest, the last of our crew,
Our goofy blonde diva, and night-snuggler, too.
Dear Maya Kate much like Abbie her age,
One minute so shy, the next rules the stage,
‘Tween Webkins and wrestling, to win is her goal,
When sharing her feelings, all bared is her soul.
Her first tendency, to do what will please her,
Skilled she’s become with gymnastics and tweezer,
Though not hesitant to give Evan a slug,
Somehow she’s redeemed with her I-love-you-hug.

 hough Christy requested a poem Christy-free,
That’s something we know that just simply can’t be,
What would this be without due adulation,
For one of Heaven’s most sweetest creations,
So I’ll keep it short, I honor requests,
Summed up in one word, she’s simply the best!

nd so that leaves me, sometimes known as dad,
But also Du-day and Sweetie and Tad,
 I’m just the guy that locks up at night,
Lets out the dog and turns out the light,
Repairs this and that to keep up the home,
Pays bills, what else?  Oh yeah, I write the poem.

dmiration goes out to my mom and my dad,
For fifty straight years now, each other they’ve had.
 Fam’ly and friends marked kindly the day,
With vows made anew, and fancy soirée.
While the world would rather such bindings disparage,
We’ll be ever grateful their model in marriage,
To have such success is our sweetest wish,
When half century’s passed of marital bliss!

 was a year full of lessons, and losses and gains,
A year of surprises, and progress and pains,
Though hardest of days will come and will go,
Love will sustain us, of this much we know.
Dear ones that left us, our hearts are still sore,
Whether just six, or a hundred years more,
Remembered you’ll be, ‘til we meet face to face,
In joyous reunion and tender embrace,
As great our pain now, as heartfelt our sorrow,
Much greater the joy when we meet on the ‘morrow!

espite a few rainstorms, the clouds dissipated,
 Better days lived, great mem’ries created,
We’ll touch on a few, we’ll hit each high spot,
If your right to stop reading you somehow forgot.

 Cubs game caught Abbie up on the big screen,
And Cole caught a baseball from his favorite team.
 For Maya’s birthday, spring gardens in bloom,
On Evan’s birthday, Busch gardens and room.
Justin still hands out skates at the “Bean”,
And all Universal’d this past Halloween,
Where Evan and Maya, the Spiderman feared,
After they rode it, “Again!” they both cheered,
While three older kids, so fearless they seemed,
At “Horror Nights” houses, so loudly they screamed!
In Father of the Bride, Ab’ wore the gown,
Acted in two other shows for the town.
Justin saved Malcolm from beach elevator,
Don’t ask how or why, we’ll just tell you later.
Leadership campers, Alec, Joe-Joe & Aaron,
Felt babysit duties were what they were sharin’.
Evan got Bobcat, Alec got braces,
Christy and I got new bedroom spaces,
We built new garage, with big second floorage,
Justin sees bedroom, I see mass storage.
Holiday Magic with Chris at the wheel,
Helped less privileged kids know how Christmas feels.
Ayla and Peg stayed the longest this year,
Which begs the question, why weren’t you here?

t your fondest place, we’ve lastly arrived,
The end of the poem.  Guess what?  You survived!
 You’ve done well your duty, obligation fulfilled,
Our faith in your friendship you’ve deeply instilled.
In return for your kindness, though short of what’s due,
We wish all the blessings of Christmas for you,
All joy to be had, all moments of peace,
All hopes to be realized and favors increased,
But way above these, on this Christmas Eve,
Like Christ may we give more than we receive!

cheery merry Christmas, and hearty Ho-Ho!
 Love, us and the kids, the bird & Cocoa!

Christmas 2007

Of all of the tasks, I’ve yet ‘ere at hand,
Like lights still to string, a tree still to stand,
Cases of Christmas stuff, unpacked and showed,
Gifts to be gotten and garnished and bowed,
With Santa to see, and wreaths to re-hang,
And stuff to be stocked, and candies to cane,
You’d think with all this, there wouldn’t be time,
To highlight and put oh-seven to rhyme.
And yet, here it is, our annual greeting,
You’re forced once again, our poem to be reading!

We do feel your pain, we’re not without pity,
We too have to read this bad Christmas ditty,
So year after year, because you’re our friend,
To you, we’re obliged, this greeting to send!
And all that we ask for what we’ve created,
Read no more than what can be tolerated!
The rest please discard, as you would a fruitcake,
We’ll love you regardless the choice that you make!

Enough with the intro, let’s get to the meat,
From here it’s our story – less short, though, than sweet.

A full year it’s been for young Maya Kate,
Began with full ear of stitches – count eight.
But with pink backpack she’d soon be departin’,
Our fifth and last kid to Brown’s kindergarten,
At first, ‘twas the bus she thought was so cool,
But soon, ‘twas Miss Brown that made her love school.
Through reams of much paper, art skills are forming,
(‘Tis her, and not Bush, that caused global warming.)
To Ice Cream & Cake, award-winning cheerer,
Our best eyeball-crosser, our lil’ five-yearer.

I could take his name and rhyme his age to it,
That’s far too easy, I’m not gonna do it.
Instead I’ll say Evan is ‘tween six and eight,
And fan of tall buildings in Empire State,
(Though while in New York, he had chance to climb,
But seeing the snow - deferred to next time.)
With plenty of books, no good tale unread,
When telling his own, no detail unsaid,
Shared birthday beach weekend with Mom and the crew,
The same night the world premiered HSM2!

Making waves in the pools, and A’s in the schools,
Our thirteen year Alec, enforcer of rules,
For O’Charley’s baseball, a tournament champer,
And stay-to-the-end-of-hot-summer scout camper,
A man of few words, though, in lights he’s all glory,
Played menace Scut Farkus in staged Christmas Story,
A Wii bit distracted, at times, you might say,
But follows Mom’s counsel to “Get out and play!”
As smart as an Alec as you’ll ever find,
Endures all us dimwits – which proves he is kind.

Her hope in New York, to see Broadway’s Wicked,
Sadly, she landed two fans from a ticket,
But Abbie, our actress, no fear and no dread,
She can’t see the villain, she plays one instead,
Her Odyssey skit won the county’s first prize,
Now she’s at Cary High, with lots of weird guys,
Seminary by morning, by night its vampires,
Still tickles the iv’ries, her music inspires,
Sometimes forgetful, and sometimes just late,
Always so gorgeous, so gracious and great!

That brings us to Justin, at last sixteen years,
Out driving MY pick-up, out shifting the gears,
He started a school club that runs dodgeball fights,
But can’t dodge pig cookers while parked at stoplights,
On Fridays his Mom feeds lunch to his friends,
Toured Vegas with Dad and saw the Blue Men,
Weekends you’ll find him still at Jellybeans,
Renting the skates and DJ-ing for ‘tweens,
His knee’s better, beat mono, and grades on the rise,
He overcomes, he conquers, he’s that kind of guy!
Because certain things might furrow a brow,
No pets verse, I’m told, this year is allowed.

Let’s talk about Christy, the queen of my heart,
My eyes get all misty as I write this part,
How can I explain in just ten lines or less,
The extent unto which my life has been blessed,
This gem of a princess, her light ever brilliant,
Unselfishly sharing her love so resilient,
Her smile always present, her manners so graceful,
Demeanor so pleasant, devotion so faithful,
If all men were lucky to have such a wife,
There’d be peace on earth for all in this life!

Now, the kids won’t let this poem be concluded,
Unless a verse about me is included,
So still at HP, still head the CP,
Still on the HC where I chair the AC,
Feel quite young at heart here in this day and age,
Not quite an Old Man (though I played one on stage,)
Still cheer for the Cubs, still bleed Tarheel blue,
Still hope for the best, and hope you do, too!

The Short Poem Society surely made note,
Of this monster ditty that I have here wrote,
Like you, they are thinking, he mustn’t continue,
Just a verse or two more, if you’ve got it in you.

The theme of the year for us two and kids five,
Was fitting ourselves into old Askham Drive,
Deciding on how to squeeze ourselves in,
Took nearly a year ‘fore we would begin,
But on the way now, our plan’s plain to see,
Just a remodel – how hard can it be?
We toured the Big Apple – a quick April trip,
The JetBlue TV’s seemed to be the big hit,
By June in Orlando - a week in Walt Disney,
Reunion with Lexie, Sue, Dave, Jase & Sydney,
We rented a house to fit all thirteen in,
The pool there’s where Evan first learned how to swim.
When summertime came, said goodbye Cavenaugh’s,
Another good family lost to Utah,
Great-Grandpa-sat grandpa – much thanks he’s alive,
The kids are quite awed that he’s now one-oh-five,
Wrote script for church film project, ten minutes long,
Premiere was attended by five hundred strong,
Our first and last film script is what we would bet,
Nobody from Hollywood’s come calling yet,
Thanksgiving week spent well with sand and sea shells,
With Mikkelsens, Peery’s and Joel’s love Rochelle,
While Abbie and Alec and Dan went off playing,
(“Rehearsaling” going by young Evan’s saying)
Chris was involved running worthwhile endeavor,
Holiday Magic, she’s done for forever,
Bringing hundreds of gifts to a hundred plus kids,
Who would not have received, if for not what she did.

On that note we’ll close, as we do every year,
With wishes of peace, love and comfort and cheer,
The Lord as our Savior, our faith in him true,
His teachings our guide to what we should do,
In Him we find trust, in Him we do know,
Upon us great blessings he wants to bestow,
And that is our wish, for you our dear friends,
May blessings around you forever descend,
As for all of us here in this blessed home,
We’re grateful for you, ‘cause you read this whole poem!

Joy for you in your life is our last Christmas wish,
Maya, Evan, Alec, Abbie, Justin, Danny & Chris

Christmas 2006

            What sweet suspense!  What anticipation!
               Kid dreams so intent on yon morn’s revelation!
                 But time passed too snow-like ‘til Christmas arrived,
                    We relished its pace; kids barely survived!
                        While Chris was a’wrapping, I had ink to lay,
                           To wrap up this writ by that Christmas day,
                                But as fate will go, plans poetic were dashed,
                                  When first poem by laptop fell victim to crash!
                                    So starting from scratch, I rewrote every letter,
                                  Although this’ll do, the first one was better!
                               But pity me not, ‘twas my choice to ensure
                             The poem was re-wrought. 
                              ‘Tis your choice to endure!

                                A year of big change, but what year is not,
                                  Of some we’ll explain, of some we’ve forgot.
                                     But poems like these are best kept in brief,
                                         We’ll just hit the highlights, much to your relief.
                                             Whoever be privy to read what's been written,
                                           To thee be it known, of thy friendship we're smitten,
                                        And grateful are we to call thee comrade,
                                  You are, as you know, the best that we’ve had!
                            So let’s get to it, below are our picks,
                        Moments most treasured from 2006!

                     We'll kick this thing off, as is the custom,
                      Sharing a bit about our boy Justin.
                        A fifteen-year vet of life on this world,
                           He thinks well of others, ‘specially girls.
                              A skating rink DJ, a Jack Johnson fan,
                                  Though able to drive, he’s bummed it’s our van,
                                      Quite hooked on fast cars and messaging instant,
                                     His grades up and down – could be more consistent.
                                   Good teacher, fine brother, true friend and great son,
                                 For Justin, we’re certain, we’d trade with no one!

                          Now about Abbie, our favorite thirteener,
                       Although pure in heart, her room could be cleaner,
                        Most of the time, a friend to each brother,
                            Thoughtful and kind, to sis’ like a mother,
                                A reader, a writer, an Odyssey Minder,
                                   She’s sometimes forgetful unless we remind her,
                                      Boys call her near daily, each nervously awed,
                                          To speak to one smiled on by famed Tim McGraw,
                                            In demand on both stage and as star baby-sitter,
                                             Accepts every challenge, a refuser-to-quitter!

                                             Alec is twelve now, and that’s a bit scary,
                                               A Washington grad and also Primary,
                                                Which means to the priesthood he’s now been ordained,
                                                   To learn well of patience and pure love unfeigned,
                                                      Traits needed in this home for daily survival,
                                                          Traits welcomed by Evan, his main sibling rival,
                                                          A runner-up champion of baseball in sports,
                                                        On stage he played Ralphie’s best good buddy Schwartz,
                                                     A line rider, book reader, judge of things fair,
                                                  And student most famously extraordinaire!

                                              Living off waffles and boxes of juice,
                                            Evan & Maya, our last little deuce,
                                          Maya in pre-school, and Evan in first,
                                        Most times the best buddies, sometimes the worst,
                                       Both internet savvy at Nick Jr. sites,
                                        And blazed trails to friend’s homes from morning ‘til night,
                                         Each at an age which blesses each day,
                                         With kisses and hugs and things that they say,
                                           Like “pass the me-rote” or “I’m in ice cream heaven”
                                            Or “this is the best Christmas ever” said Evan,
                                             And Maya’s famed sign-off is “oh, one more thing”
                                             Then turns, shakes her booty, and exits the scene!

                                             My angel, my hero, my sweetheart, my life,
                                               My love for forever, that’s Christy, my wife.
                                                 Her permanent smile as bright as the sun,
                                                  And heart sweet and warm as cinnamon buns,
                                                     Her outlook on life assures all is well,
                                                         And faith rings as true as a loved Christmas bell,
                                                           Makes her my sure proof, which can’t be concealed,
                                                             That miracles here on this earth are quite real!

                                                                And me, well, you know, there’s not much to say,
                                                                  I’m blessed with one beautiful family bouquet,
                                                                   Who love me through work, and things Cary Players,
                                                                     High council duties, and hairs turning grayer,
                                                                       And brighten my life despite my mistakes,
                                                                      And give back to me much more than they take,
                                                                    Their care for me daily is un-nonchalant,
                                                                What more could I wish for, what more could I want!

                                                            A verse about pets, my least favorite topic,
                                                          Three more were added, our judgment myopic.
                                                        Justin’s dog Rikki, part lab and part poodle,
                                                      Makes one crazy home-wrecking wild labra-doodle,
                                                   And Abbie’s new friend, the cockatiel Ellie,
                                                  Sings high, loud and long, part pretty, part smelly,
                                               But not near as bad as good Alec’s new Myrtle,
                                           Our bowl-dwelling slow-footed green boxing turtle,
                                       All here to torment poor Cocoa, our shih-tzu,
                                        Who looks with sad eyes to say, “Really, how could you?”
                                           I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again,
                                             Pets are less blessing, more curse ‘ere the end!

                                         I admire your patience for reading this long,
                                       I promise to stop, ‘ere our friendship goes wrong.

                                        Some random highlights, a few we should name,
                                           A trampoline mishap left nephew Jase lame,
                                              And Justin’s agile-ness by one friend was tested,
                                                  He failed, his knee busted, for weeks he was rested.
                                                      Some surgeries later, rehab here and there,
                                                     They’re back on their feet, on to the next dare!
                                                    My mom had a stroke, but well on the mend,
                                                   Rehab-ing quickly has long been her trend!
                                                    That ol’ beehive state stole Winkels from us,
                                                      Poor Maya, for Becca, she still makes a fuss!                 
                                                        New van with rear camera, for backup prevention,
                                                         Still no good for Christy, new van – new indention!
                                                        In summer, white-watered were Justin and me,
                                                       Skilled Justin stayed dry ‘till the final Class 3.
                                                      A few more highlights from a couple of gifts,
                                                     Two grandmas, two cruises, gave us needed lifts.
                                                    Hey, if you are found in Belize for a season,
                                                   Don’t go past the gate, ‘tis there for a reason!
                                                  And if cruising Norwegian, be sure all’s in order,
                                                 Like the boat really works, before ye go board her!
                                                   But saddest of all, old friends bid farewell,
                                                      When finally New Boca Way was a sell,
                                                        We miss the old ‘hood, Godbole’s and Curdts,
                                                          The Bernings, Fanney’s and all of the Hursts,
                                                            Please update our address, ‘ere letters are shipped,
                                                             One one two two, Askham Drive, same city and zip!
                                                               Now back in the house where Christy had grown,
                                                                 The Jardines and Dunnes made us feel at home.
                                                                   The house brings back memories for me and for Chris,
                                                                     My favorite, front hallway, site of our first kiss!
                                                                    And here’s where we’ll stay - our new homely heaven,
                                                                 Who knows what will come of two thousand seven?

                                                           And so this is it, although a bit late,
                                                       Hope Christmas was Merry, New Year was great!
                                                 And as holidays fade, and real life returns,
                                           May the Spirit of Christ continue to burn,
                                       May you find in each day a smile on your face,
                                  May good fortune find you, and if not, then may grace,
                                   And know above all, when life’s hard to bear,
                                     God lives, and he loves you, he’ll always be there!
                                      ‘Til the next time we see you, we’re your biggest fan,
                                         - Maya, Evan, Alec, Abbie, Justin, Christy & Dan.

Christmas 2005

Alone late at night, kicked back in my chair,
Christy’s asleep as the kids up the stairs,
November’s last hour slips silently by,
December’s a’tapping the windows outside,
A sip of my egg nog, my book to the shelf,
This poem, old boy, just won’t write itself.

I made the suggestion a day or two back,
To cut our dear friends some poetic slack.
No one will cry if we fail once to send it.
(I guess you can figure how that story ended.)
This burden I bear, ‘cause kids think we need it,
‘Tis your burden now, ‘cause you have to read it.
So grab some egg nog, and let us revive
The year, as it was – ‘twas 2005!

Seen Justin lately?  And can you recall,
His first day of grade school, his first game of ball?
A high-schooler now, he’s taller than Chris,
He’s got his first job, (some say his first kiss.)
He hiked fifty miles one week in July,
A fall football champion at old Cary High.
The boy I raised up on my shoulders back then,
Somehow grew up, I just don’t recall when.

A time not too distant, a dad’s lullabies,
Put Abbie to sleep, now she just rolls her eyes.
Bottles are books, and diapers are jeans,
She’s kept the good looks, she’s nearly a teen.
In creative writing, to be published her goal,
‘Tween school, plays and music, she’s such a sweet soul.
As I long for the days holding little Abbie tight,
She appears with a hug, and a sweet kiss goodnight.
Has it not been mere days we reported from heaven
Our Alec arrived?  Well, now he’s eleven.
A Playstation guru, a lineman offensive,
His trumpet trumps boldly, his words humbly pensive.
Polite his demeanor, and gentle his ways,
Quite active in baseball and scouting and stage.
At holiday time, he’s our child most insistent,
These family traditions are always consistent.

Five-year-old Evan, a fresh kindergartner,
Crime fighter, skilled swordsman, and wrestling partner,
Counts to one hundred, and knows ABC’s,
And gets ready for bed with the greatest of ease.
Monday through Saturday, with vigor he plays,
But ‘church takes forever’, he hates his Sundays.
We can’t help but love him, he’s so tender-hearted,
Five years already?  We thought we just started.

Finally there’s Maya.  Have you ever had a
Child address you: Sugar Mama, Sugar Dada?
The girl freaks us out, both Christy and me,
She rules day and night, and she’s only three.
At times Evan’s playmate, at times his tormentor,
So to Winkel pre-school we happily send her.
Our wanna-be princess is forgiven of all,
When up on my knee she shouts, ‘Let’s watch football!’

Pets around here, well, they rise and they fall,
For six years now Cocoa has outlived them all.
Birds, rats in years past, this year fish and crab,
Poor Fella left Alec, poor Kermit left Ab’.
But pets beget smiles before smiles turn to tears,
So we’re in for all three for several more years.

And what better way, to spend years unseen,
Than with the same gal as the previous sixteen.
If this world were heaven, and all therein fair,
We’d all have a Christy in our life to share.
Her smile ever-present, her light ever shines,
Her service unceasing, her charity kind.
I marvel at times, what a fortunate life,
To have a pure angel at home as my wife.

And that leaves yours truly, what else can be said,
What more could I want from this life that I’ve led?
With five awesome children, and one lovely bride,
Sometimes I just feel I’m along for the ride.
Like somewhere, somehow, someone has mistook
Me, for the guy whose good spot I took.
Well, he sure missed out, and you better believe,
It’s my good spot now, and I’ll never leave.

A few final words, and your almost home,
I see there is light at the end of this poem.
In spring to Orlando, our third straight time,
In summer to falls, the Niagara kind,
On Maid of the Mist, the kids were true sailors,
We returned through Palmyra, much thanks to the Taylors.
As the world watched New Orleans, Ophelia was hovering
Just off our coast, mom and dad still recovering.
The damage endured from this hurricane,
Was less from the wind than the three days of rain.
In the fall, freshman Justin began years at Cary,
Every morning at six, he attends seminary.
Then Abbie is next off to Carnage at seven,
Followed at eight by young Alec and Evan.
Between Cary and Carnage and Washington, too,
Add little Maya, that’s five kids in four schools.
With mom and dad’s homestead out of commission,
Thanksgiving this year came from Christy’s warm kitchen.
Twenty-eight of my family, and that’s the whole crew,
Had turkey in Cary, and we’ll do Christmas, too.
News from out west, this in kind of late,
Sue & David just moved to Washington state.
Just before closing, I’d like to devote,
A verse for a man most worthy of note,
He left us this year to a standing ovation,
We’ll miss Dr. Hughes and his inspiration.

And now it is finished, it’s time for farewell,
With Christmas upon us, may your families be well,
May we not let the world in its tiresome ways,
Drown hope and sweet promise in these latter days.
Despite what we hear, in this world there’s much good,
And much faith in the Savior, and well be there should.
The First to be born, He was the Last sacrificed,
‘Neath Gethsemane’s branches paid He the price,
For me and my house, and for all humankind,
And for that we rejoice at this Christmastime.
Full peace and joy, may your Christmas be thus,
And know you are loved by each one of us.

That’s it, there’s no more, we’ve said all we can,
Maya, Evan, Alec, Abbie, Justin, Christy & Dan.

Christmas 2004

Down the river of life, good Christmas draws nigh.
Memories from the year so softly drift by.
With pen as my paddle, straight onward I go,
But rhymes don’t come easy, and progress is slow.
With Christmas in view, as poet might speak,
My poem not through, my ship’s up the creek!
So paddling and praying, may hope’s tide reprieve,
‘Cause Chris wants this finished well ‘fore Christmas Eve.

Ah, ‘tis a mere wisp, these moments in time,
As paper by pen dons lyrical rhyme,
Reviewing the year with fanciful writ,
May your patience prevail o’er my lack of wit.
What I mean to say, as in past Decembers,
Is these are the things we’d like to remember.
An ode, if you will, to twenty-oh-four
Is this Christmas card, no less and no more.

Do please consider though, as you’re reading this,
‘Tis not everyone who can get on our list.
As one of the few, you’ve worked very hard,
And trust you we do with this Christmas card.
Ever friendly to us you’ve been and much more,
And we know very well—that’s no easy chore!
But you did, and thus in your hand you hold this,
The membership card of our Who-We-Love-List!

Since Alec’s our mid-kid, let’s start with his verse,
(He always points out that he never goes first.)
A trumpet in one hand, Gameboy in the other,
Plays one a tad more, when given his druthers.
An “orphan” in “Annie”, cub scout in mom’s den,
Always does what he’s told—if we tell him again.
Dubbed “most considerate” by 3rd grade teachers.
A gold-glove performer by 3rd base bleachers.
Pretty smart kid; even seen teachers bow.
Is he already ten years old?  Holy cow!
No longer element’ry, Abbie’s sixth grade,
Adjustments to middle school already made.
Voted “Best Student” by sixth grade classmates,
She works very hard to keep her A’s straight.
In soccer and b-ball, quite the defender,
Her goal: Score one time before season-ender.
A budding young actress in town’s “Sleepy Hollow”
As sweet as her mother – a tough act to follow.
Already boys calling, already hearts broken,
She’s only eleven, they’ve got to be jokin’!

Four-year-old Evan who eats all his veggies,
Flexes when praying he’ll grow “strong and healthy.”
He loves Rescue Heroes, he’s Transformer-friendly,
Pow’r Rangers are “awesome,” like stories “pretendly.”
As fan of big monsters, the price he must pay,
But mom and dad’s bed keeps those nightmares away.
He’ll belt out a song, and hit every note,
And knows every word the songwriter wrote.
A primary Sunbeam, pre-school Giraffe,
An outrageous smile and quite catching laugh.

Now Maya’s an int’resting story to tell,
As two-year-old tyrant, she fares fairly well.
Demands become law, her wishes decrees,
Our purpose in life, her whimsies to please.
Likes colors in art class, but not fireworks,
Still loves her bottle, and still burps in church.
Adorable smirks mean she’s in her good mood,
A Dora show works when she’s on’ry and rude.
But all’s forgiven when we see the young bug,
Run greet us with “Hi!” and trademark knee-hug.

In boy scouts and schoolwork, Justin works hard,
Played football for Carnage; starts at right guard.
Presides at the church in his ward priesthood quorum,
As class comedian, we request change of forum.
As first time shaver, cuts everything close,
And friends he can make wherever he goes.
Gladly does lawns and all types of yard labor,
Both here at home and for each paying neighbor.
As a teenager now, new waters he’s testing,
But still, though, he ranks in top five all-time blessings.

As far as pets go, the news ain’t the best.
Cockatiel Marty has gone to his rest.
Chris, Abbie and Alec cried tears for hours,
‘Til safe he was laid out back with the flowers.
But Cocoa, our shih-tzu, still roams the halls,
Squirrels from the attic still play in our walls,
A fish lives here, too, he’s part of the fold.
‘Tween critters and kids, a lively household.
 It’s been fifteen years since Chris and I wed,
My love for her’s grown as fast as time’s fled.
Though in politics, we rarely agree,
And she roots for State, and I UNC,
O’er the years she’s found something to love,
Whatever it is, I’m glad it’s enough.
To honor fifteen, we owe the Hughes thanks,
They watched the kids play, we went to the Banks.
Off Jockey’s Ridge, we tried to hang-glide,
We toured Manteo and walked the seaside.
The time was well spent, though over too soon,
I’m glad that we went, she still makes me swoon.

My ship in the clear now, we’re flying downstream,
The paddles are cranking, we’re picking up steam…

We tried South Beach and we lost quite a bit,
But they were all my pounds, so we both quit.
Started dates with the kids, each one-on-one,
Two times a month now, the kids choose the fun.
Did Disney again way back in the spring,
I believe the whole world did the same thing.
Wall to wall people, some cranky and loud,
But we didn’t mind—we’re always a crowd.
In June Chris and Abbie went to Utah,
To show Grays around and visit Grandma.
That left me alone with the rest of the crew,
‘Til we jumped on a plane, and headed west, too.
(That’s right, just me and four kids on a plane,
We made it, but let’s not do that again.)
Saw Yellowstone’s elk, and tracked buffalo,
From Sue’s family cabin in east Idaho.
When scout camp and work sent two early home,
‘Twas Christy’s turn flying four kids on her own.

On to my twentieth high school reunion,
Where we won awards for having most children.
It’s not so bad, though, with five kids to raise,
And calendars full of zero blank days,
We know those with more kids, and we salute.
We just couldn’t stop, they turned out so cute.

But we’d better stop now, we’ve taken your time.
To read through this far, indeed, you’re too kind.
Though our rivers may flow what seems miles apart,
May your river run pure, as you’re held in our heart,
And may blessings flow with you, as you wend your way,
Both now and hereafter this year’s Christmas Day.

Merry Christmas to you and each one in your clan,
Maya, Evan, Alec, Abbie, Justin, Christy & Dan!

Christmas 2003

Yule greetings young friends, both new and longtime,
‘Tis Christmas again, all egg-nogged and pined.
With Carols to sing, and hollies to berry,
With Nats to King, and jollies to merry,
With wreaths to be hung, and presents to peek,
And bells to be rung, and secrets to keep,
May we take just a moment to borrow your ear,
From the chaos and peace at the end of the year?
A year which we now shall gladly discuss,
A downside of life when you’re friends with us.

Longsuffering, my friends, is what is required,
To traverse these treatises of all that’s transpired.
No need to read through in your holiday haste,
‘Tis best to digest when you have time to waste.
And if to your holiday fires this be lent,
My friends, we forgive ye, no need to repent!

And so, I was saying, ‘tis time to review
Things that we did and things we didn’t do.
T’was a pretty good year for our family,
We’ll recall with wonder two thousand and three.
Some hearts were broken, and some hearts were healed,
Kind words were spoken, and love remained sealed.
So on to the reason we’re all gathered here,
Let the discourse begin, it’s on to the year!

One-year-old Maya, of whom we’re too fond,
Dances and spins ‘til she’s one dizzy blonde.
Sings “Twinkle Star” and “E-I-E-I-O”
Leaves trails of goldfish wherever she goes.
To nursery she goes now, which means so do we,
Our constant companion she feels she must be.
And since she’s the last, we can’t say we mind,
We’ll long for such days, when they’ve left us behind.

Some days a T-Rex, his sister to stalk,
Some days Buzz Lightyear, some days The Hulk!
He’s all Rescue Heroes wrapped up in one,
No monsters escape, they’ve nowhere to run!
Of all the foes conquered by our three-year old star,
The potty and pre-school - our favorites by far!
That’s Evan, still wild; still last off to bed,
But, oh, how peace comes when he lays down his head!

Third-grader Alec, just barely turned nine,
Our very first champ in the Derby of Pine.
In spring coached by dad, he ran all the bases,
In school coached by mom, report card all aces,
For his basketball team, he played the tough ‘D’
They won every ballgame, unlike UNC.
Our penmanship master, exceptional reader,
Our Gameboy time-passer, and pretty good eater!

Thanks to her tenth, a pet bird is in flight,
Thanks to the bird, we’re awake at first light.
But who can complain when Abbie’s your daughter,
Our lover of all things pretty and Potter,
Our shoulder massager, our Maya Kate carer,
No one is more thoughtful, no thrill ride can scare her.
As fragile as crystal and tougher than steel,
Our non-stop go-getter with princess appeal.

Growing up quickly, nobody is cooler.
Justin our “homey” and lone middle-schooler.
As pioneer, scout, new paths he creates,
As siblings come after, his model awaits.
In school: student council; in church: he’s a deacon,
At home: he’s convinced that his old man’s a weaklin’.
But to my bold son, I’ll quickly convey,
Keep talking trash kid, and you’ll rue the day!

And now I must pause as good husbands ought.
These words for my wife deserveth some thought.
Herein lies my chance, her favor to steer,
A verse so adoring, it lasts the whole year!
And so, my sweet Chris, despite your resistance,
I’ll share with the world your love most persistent,
For children, for friends, for our family,
For things great and small, for Him and for me.
I still love you most, I can’t help but sigh,
My heart still leaps yet, each time you walk by.

And speaking of me, in case you wonder,
Somehow through life I manage to blunder.
I work for HP, EL was acquired,
I take what I get, I’m grateful I’m hired.
I’m glad to be ‘Dad’, I’m proud to be ‘Son’,
I’m take well to ‘Brother’, I’m happy I’m ‘Hon’’.
I look at each day and can’t help but find,
My blessings outweigh me, it boggles the mind.

A tribute to Grandma, who left us this year:
I see smiling eyes with no pain, and no fear.
Look at us Grandma, we’re all “strong like bull,”
‘Cause you ensured all hearts and bellies were full.
Standing strong in your apron, arms open wide,
You wait for the day we come home from this side.
And on that great day, ‘round the table we’ll meet,
I’m sure, with no doubt, there’ll be plenty to eat!

A tribute to Grandpa, one hundred and one,
In your century on earth, think of all that you’ve done.
In all that has happened, and all that has changed,
Firm you stand in your faith, true to all you remain.
With gratitude, wit, you always engage,
Hope I’m just as charming when I’m half your age.

A tribute to Mom, a rare treasure worth knowing,
Like the energizer bunny, she just keeps on going.
Hip and heart surgery were not enough drama,
Throw in a hurricane -- now that’s our mama!
Though Isabel was blowing, mom, you were much stronger,
You’ll keep going and going for many years longer!

A tribute to Dad, who’s there for us all,
When life gets broken, the one that we call.
When the finish is scratched, when the edges are rough
The steady hand of the craftsman is always enough.
With experience, patience, know-how and care,
He smoothes the rough edges, he’s always been there.

A tribute to Peggy, Evan’s dubbed her “Ga-ga”
The best chili-maker that I ever saw.
The resident gardener for her neighbors in Sandy,
Did our flowers, too, but we also got candy!
She tirelessly gives, she serves without ceasing,
Her love for her grandchildren, ever increasing!

I hope you’ll all pardon this brief intervention,
For those who don’t know the folks I’ve just mentioned.
For those that do, I’m sure you’ll agree
No finer examples of parents have we!
(What’s that you say?  Tough to swallow that pill?
Hey, just remember who’s writing the will.)

And now the big finish, some memories worth keeping,
For those who’re still with us, and not as yet sleeping,
You’re kind to read on, a true friend indeed,
Please pardon my rambling, I must pick up the speed.

In spring to Universal we took off for a few,
Sweet Peg stayed behind with Thing One and Thing Two.
Then said bye to Moe, Justin’s big and black mouse,
Who, according to Evan, is at Papa Dick’s house.
Couple trips to the Banks, as summer rolled by,
Upon Jockey’s Ridge we made sand cakes and pies.
Chris, Maya to Kansas, to visit her bro’
At bakery biz school, he’s making some dough!
And if you don’t mind, October I’ll skip
As Cubs went a-foul of World Series trip.
So at Halloween time, what else could be worse?
Than a Steve Bartman costume: hat, headphones and curse!
At least basketball’s here, and with it great joy.
All Tarheels agree, we have faith in Roy!
And as the year’s over, ‘tis nearly December,
Its squirrels that I think I shall always remember.
Our attic’s infested with squirrels; I can’t boot ‘em,
They chew up our phone lines; Chris won’t let me shoot ‘em.
So if you can’t reach us, consider it smart
To blame it on squirrels, and on Christy’s good heart.
With that we should finish, it’s now time to end,
Just one Christmas thought for you, our dear friend.

How grateful we are for freedom and life,
In a world oft encumbered by anger and strife.
The phrase “Peace on Earth” holds meaning anew,
May Christmas remind us of all we must do.
Each neighbor, each friend, and each passing stranger,
Must follow the star to the boy in the manger.
And humble in heart, our heads and knees bow,
As Peace was His cause, so be it ours now.

Merry Christmas to every child, woman and man!
-Maya, Evan, Alec, Abbie, Justin, Christy & Dan

Christmas 2002

What loving words have swiftly flowed
From humble pen* to Christmas ode?
 What mighty friend art thou indeed,
To feign great interest as ye read?
O’er three hundred days since last we convened,
For some not so much, for some not since seen.
Whichever you are, we send love sincere,
And hope well-versed ramblings make up for lost years.
At very the least once all has been said,
’Twas less boring rhymed, than just merely read.
(*If truth be told, humble pen shan't suffice;
This year’s Christmas poem writ on handheld device!)

Year twenty-oh-two, our subject of note,
Began with a joy most worthy to dote.
January thirty-first our sweet Maya Kate,
From heaven arrived smack on her due date.
Tho’ first for mom Chris, it remains to be seen,
Will being on time become her new thing?
My Maya, she smiles for all she is worth,
Says "hi" and "bye", just her first year on earth!
She crawls everywhere, sometimes even stands,
Makes music with raspberries while clapping her hands.
Has mastered the stairs, but quickly she’s found,
Going up is much simpler than coming back down!

Evan's a joy and a terror in one.
Who let the dog out?  Evan’s the one.
Who made Maya cry?  I bet we know who.
Who melts all our hearts?  That he does, too.
Has his own lingo, we've learned to abide.
Coming to visit? Your translation guide:

Nye-nye means good night, a gun is a drink,
Monners are monsters, as in Monsters, Inc.
Big hug is just that with arms open wide,
Followed by kishes and then the high-five.
Foo-fway means this way, who dares not to heed,
And yet lives to tell, is lucky indeed.
Foo-foo's a movie, he'll watch in my chair.
We dare you to sit there.
Really, we dare.

Alec is eight, to the water he goes,
To demonstrate faith for all that he knows.
Who once was the babe, is now the middle child,
Works hard in his school and his manners are mild.
Still goofy at times, still a Pokemon trader,
Most often kind is our sharp second grader.

Abbie, now nine, our princess in training,
O’er hearts of young boys we’re sure she’ll be reigning.
Til’ then, we’ll enjoy her love undivided,
Her intentions are pure, her kindness well-guided.
And with these compliments her father’s just said,
No doubt, her good brothers are shaking their heads.

Justin, our eldest, eleven and growing,
Not far from a teen, signs already showing.
Responsible, trustworthy, handsome and cool,
So hard to accept he’s in middle school.
A good man he’ll be, a good son he’s now,
If only we’d stop him from growing somehow.

Christy’s still with me, I know it’s astounding,
She’s all about charity; her love so abounding.
A day doesn’t pass she’s not doing too much,
She’s not helping some friend whose heart she has touched,
If I wrote every phrase that is well to be heard,
They’d all describe Christy, she’s every good word.

On to the sports desk, let's roll out the film.
Alec was coach-pitched by Dad, Uncle Bill.
He ruled in the paint on his basketball team
Squad’s biggest kid, a Martschenko Kareem!
Dear Abbie donned shin guards and cool soccer shoes,
We remember quite well the game they didn't lose!
(If holding sweet Maya were ever kept score,
She’d skunk her three brothers, need we say more?)
In Justin's first year - no tees or machines,
Just kid against kid, the way baseball should be,
His team won the championship game by one,
Justin on third when they scored winning run!
For mine and Christy’s achievements athletic?
Five kids.  Two of us.
Please be sympathetic.

Now to the arts, we do more than you'd think,
Abbie was Winky in Mother Goose Inc.
Justin played thief Injun Joe in Huck Finn,
In Oliver he picked those pockets again.
Too much role playing methinks he has had,
Too good he is now picking pockets from Dad!
Dan wrote a play for the church in July.
A hundred some youth gave it wings, made it fly.
Next he’ll produce Cary Players Our Town.
Justin’s in it, too, hope you can come down.
Christy made the Christmas cards, please take note.
It’s hard to make pretty this poem I wrote.
Alec started piano, Justin’s just quitting.
He wants drums.  I said no.
He thinks I'm kidding.

Out of work, no funds, and no transportation,
Thanks to the Winkels we got one vacation.
And while at the beach, compliments our dear friends,
The phone rang and the job search came to an end!
We bought an eight-passenger car in our zest!
Extra seat is for grandma.
Put that thought to rest.

Still reading? Bless you and your heart made of gold.
I'll wrap this thing up ‘ere your friendship grows cold.
(With so many of us there's so much to be told.)
In respect of your patience, I'll pick up the pace
From here to the end, it’s a poetic race.

On Evan's and Maya's first trip to the zoo,
Less cool was the rhino than the rhino statue.
To Great Grandpa's 100th – you’re ever so rare!
Still driving each day to check Great Grandma's care.
To my cousin Wally, congrats on the wedding,
Learned ye new meanings for term multithreading?
To David in Boise with the whole family,
New job for my homey, wazzup Big D!
To Peggy, our Ga-ga, and half-the-year boarder,
At least half the year the house is in order.
To Comet departed, we can't forget that,
Never knew so much love could be had for a rat.
To Alice and Jim, thanks for camping mood-lighted,
We’ll bring our own power next time we’re invited!
To Elaine and Joe-Joe, so glad you’re okay,
The fast lane is rough, take it easy today.
To Dad, how’s the truck?  Back to full speed?
Next time why don’t you let Mom take the lead?
To Mom, here’s a tip, you can take it or pass,
The left one’s the brake and the right one’s the gas.

Well, certainly by now we've worn out our stay,
I could write for pages, there’s much more to say.
But things good or bad must come to an end,
With this exception – we call you our friend.
And on this holy night at the end of the year,
We think of our loved ones, to you we’re endeared.
Just one Christmas wish we wish now for you,
Know this, that God lives, and he loves you, too.
A heartfelt Merry Christmas, and one final good-by-ya,
Dan & Chris, Justin, Abbie, Alec, Evan and Maya.

Christmas 2001

Because life is short, for no other cause,
Held is a pen, and a thought, and a pause.
With each written line, our love we express,
To you our dear friend, this verse we address.

Is it really true?  Another year has now past,
Since well wishes of Christmas we sent to you last.
Does time move more swiftly, or is this life's way?
Time's worth doth increase as life taketh away.

Enough of rhetoric, on to the show.
What might we tell you that you'd like to know?
Of that we're unsure, but please read through the end,
And if you don't care, please, for our sake, pretend.

Ah, yes.  The year two thousand plus one.
We're pregnant once more, then we promise we're done.
That's it, no more, we say five is our quota.
Leave six packs for golf balls, cheese crackers and soda.
The last little Martschenko arrives early next year,
Then retired are we from kid making careers.
(Though that kid rearing thing still goes on a few years.)

Between first child and last, over ten years gone by,
When one starts kindergarten, one's at Cary High.
But such times and events of the future can wait.
The age they're all now are their best years to date.

Take Justin, for example, the boy is now ten.
As fine of a son as there ever has been.
Two years from the priesthood, six years from the car,
Nine years from a mission, is it only that far?
Enjoys football, playstation, and cartoons to excess,
Plays the role of "big brother" with increasing success.
With each challenge conquered he learns what he should,
So the man may take shape where once the boy stood.

Sweet Abbie, wild Abbie, our Abbie du jour,
One minute "Look out!", the next minute demure.
Still reads the day through, still smart as a wink,
Her dad's love of humor, her mom's love of pink.
Baptized in May following Aaron's communion,
Patriotized in Sept., sings all hymns of our Union.
Summer horse camper, piano savoire faire,
A big daddy hugger, with much love to share.

Alec, now seven, is a Wizard first grader,
A basketball player, and swift roller blader.
Plays games of strategy like he is the man,
From Tic Tac Toe to Settlers of Cataan.
At times he is goofy, and other times shy,
But to share room with Evan, a most generous guy!

Evan is one, one rascal for sure.
Most vocal of creatures we've ever endured.
Loves music, loves "doggies", loves emptying drawers,
Loves ma ma, loves balls and throws food on the floors.
Can scream most unpleasantly, and holler most frightful,
Then he smiles, we forgive him, and he laughs most delightful.

Then there's my love, dear Christy, my wife,
The queen of my dreams, the dream of my life.
By this time she's groaning and rolling her eyes,
At these words of devotion I've quickly comprised.
To all, be it known, that I love her quite dearly,
Despite the end of year poem she makes me write yearly.

For wife and kids sake, here's one verse or so,
‘Bout Cocoa the dog, and rats Comet and Moe.
Stained carpets, chewed woodwork, pet doctors and such,
Okay, something nice: They don't smell too much.
Now I'm not a pet hater, I'm not a pet Snitcher,
Without pets, though, methinks, I'd be ten times richer!
As for me, I'm still around, still finding my way,
Asking "How did I get here?" at each waking day.
It's a mystery to me, how one man is so blessed,
Such family and friends, I'd never have guessed.
Perhaps long ago, up in heaven above,
A lottery was won, and the prize, all this love.

Okay, I promise, this poem's not eternal,
Just one quick review as I flip through the journal...

Most worthy of note, tho' hard to relay,
Sad news was delivered first thing New Year's Day.
Christy's dear grandma beloved, Erma Ward,
Passed early that morning from us to our Lord.
No great grandma visits will make Utah trips hard,
Kids still recall snowmen they made in her yard.

Then one week later, nephew Parker debuted,
Tough time for mom Carol, now grateful the mood.
Her faith in recovery an example to all,
As was Steve who so tirelessly ran with the ball.

Abbie's and Justin's day of birth celebrations,
Sandwiched roadtrip to Callaway, our Easter vacation.
Games of soccer and baseball amid flowers in bloom,
Allowed Peg to paint fairylands in Abbie's bedroom.

If not for other events, this year might have been known,
As the Year of the Rats in our
New Boca Way
They arrived in a cage near the outset of May,
(‘Twas a moment of weakness from Justin's birthday.)
A white one named Comet, a black one named Moe.
Two girls we were told by the man at Petco.
It turns out ol' Comet was mis engendered,
Eight more little rats Moe quickly tendered!
Four weeks we raised them, then time for goodbyes,
Daddy rejoiced while the children all cried.

Speaking of critters, our sweet Abbie Mae,
Danced nightingale flitters in June ballet.
Then summer arrived, and so did our guests,
Ottesens and Wards flew in from the west.
To Williamsburg, to Myrtle, all over we trekked,
They sighed as they left, from relief we suspect.

In August we found more birthdays in store,
For Evan his first, for Chris . . . a bit more.
Though sick from expecting, she made a fine showing,
I'm totally awed at what keeps the girl going!
Then laughing carefree we entered September,
Where we were on that day, we’ll always remember.

Alec's birthday, big crowd!  Says Christy: "De nada,
With Monsters, Inc. movie and Wazowski piñata!"
Thanksgiving, bigger crowd, for each guest we were grateful,
Bringing smiles by the heartful, and food by the plateful!

Now December is here, which cannot be rhymed,
For delivery pre Christmas, we're ‘bout out of time!
So if this fails to arrive before the holiday season,
We could blame the mailman, but we're prob'ly the reason.

Indeed, what a year.  ‘Twas one for the ages.
How much we can learn from such villainous rages.
‘Tis love for mankind t'will prevail when all's done,
Love at home, love of neighbor, ‘tis how such wars are won.

We know with our hearts that our Father lives,
And loves us, as proved by all that he did.
He sent His son Jesus to reign here on earth,
Let Christmas remind us all we've gained by His birth.
And fear not what lies in the dark of the night,
Trust the Savior, follow Him, and you'll be all right.

With all love allowed by the graces of Heaven,
Dan, Christy, Justin, Abbie, Alec & Evan.

Christmas 2000

With notepad in hand, and babe fast asleep,
No time could be better, a promise to keep.
At Christy’s request, ’tis my once-a-year plight,
Endeavoring my best a poem to write.

Our epic begins: Year two thousand, January,
When eighteen inches of snow fell in Cary.
Three weeks without school, a post-new-year’s present
And bonus vacation for Christy, just pregnant.

Snow melted, schools opened, as we started February.
Lil’ Ab’ made first trade with a generous tooth fairy.
Then a little sad news from down Wroble way;
Pup Bronson’s last days spent in most noble way.

Onward we March-ed, and a new calling for Dan.
I’m now early to church, Chris, kids trail in the van.
Then out of the blue, the phone rang again,
This time a job offer from Danny’s old friend.
Still pondering the bid, we locked up the house,
And went south to Disney for a week with da’ Mouse.
(One evening at Disney, Dixie Landings Hotel,
Dan accepts job from Sundog, resigns from Novell.)

In April Doc forecasts new babe will be a mister.
Disappointment for Abbie (she wanted a sister.)
So three against one will be the odds in our home;
How unfair for the boys, Abbie Mae holds her own.

With strawberries and tents April birthdays were spent
(And grandparents who spoiled our kids should repent.)
And Justin hits baseballs well into May
On the very same ball fields I played in my day.

As the days turned to June summer guests came to town.
A new face in the guest room each time I turned ‘round.
For the few weeks that Holly and Peggy were here,
The house strangely was cleaner than the rest of the year.

In July we took a boat ride, but that’s boring to tell
(Unless you were with us, then wasn’t it swell!)
Mom & dad and their children, and their children, too
All twenty-four of us – you could say the whole zoo,
And three more who likely don’t care to be mentioned,
We all took a Gulf cruise – our quintannual convention.

Then all of the sudden the month August arrived.
The last chance for the five of us to be just us five.
On the nineteenth day about three in the morn’
A blessing from heaven dubbed Evan was born.

And they came from the south, from the east and the west,
From points far and near came each welcome guest,
To catch just a glimpse of the newest Martschenko,
Bringing kindness and favors for which we each thank you.

So for over nine years Christy’s whole life had been
Completely devoted to raising our kin.
And just when you thought she’d have time all alone,
Alec’s first day at school was Evan’s first day at home.

Holding Evan I wondered about those who held me,
And resumed my research into our family tree.
And one day this fall, while searching the ‘net,
I found a cousin of mine that I’d never met.
You see my mother is Pat, and Wallie Berk was her mom,
And her father was Stanley and his father was Tom.
And Tom’s mom Rose Prusik had a father named Karol,
And his father Jacob hailed from Poland, Baranowo.
And Jacob’s dad Marcin had a dad Marcin, also,
Who lived, oh, about three hundred years ago.
And he had a son, Andrzej Prusik his name,
Who had a son Wojciech, last name the same.
And he had a girl whom he called Apolonia,
She wed a Sedrowski and began a family of her own-ia.
And they had a daughter they labeled Salomea,
Who’s son Grzegorz Krajewski had a daughter Rozalia.
And her son Joseph had a son James Tye,
From whom did I learn this?  James is the guy.
My seventh cousin once removed, the official relation,
Has shared his broad research into past generations.
To him I am grateful for unlocking these mysteries,
And doors long since closed to our family history.

And so back to the present, and isn’t it grand?
There are more of us now than you can count on one hand.
Six all together, and that’s a grand number,
Its also Alec’s age since the first of November.
But no stock market surges, no lotteries won,
No clearinghouse sweepstakes, no gold medal run,
No minutes of fame on which we can boast,
’Tis life’s simple joys what make us smile most.

On that note, I’ll close this poem so endearing,
(What’s that? It sounds like my readers are cheering!)
By all means be cheerful, it’s our wish to you now,
May Christmas bring blessings, may blessings endow!
May your life be more beautiful than it was yesterday,
May Christ remain by you beyond Christmas Day!
With all the love and sincerity permitted in heaven,
Danny, Christy, Justin, Abbie, Alec and Evan.

Christmas 1999

All credit for the notion goes to James Hughes, Sr.
Though my poetic skills next to his are far leaner,
I’d still like to try making rhymes once a year.
So, Dr. Hughes, please forgive if I steal your idear.
(Besides, Chris wouldn’t let me send out a newsletter.
But a ditty, I figured, would make chances better.)

So at the end of one thousand years I begin
An annual summary borne of poem and of pen.
And if the fates of fine lyrics should smile upon me,
I’ll continue such rambling in millennium three.
(Or we’ll discover quite quickly through popular vote,
That this will come to be known as the last one he wrote.)

What have we done to make this year stand out?
Well, that’s what I’m hoping to tell you about.
But get one thing straight, you must be realistic.
Don’t expect grand achievements or triumph’s artistic.
We’re just normal folks with just normal lives,
And our greatest accomplishments are the just-getting-by’s.

Justin, he’s eight, and that’s a mighty big number
For those of the faith, he’s a full-blooded member.
(For the non-LDS crowd, it just means he’s baptized,
But since you already knew that, it’s no big surprise.)
He’s a cub scout, a Heels fan, a super third-grader,
A Pokemon trainer and a mean roller-blader.
He’s taken up piano - now that’s something new.
He’s instructed each week by our dearest friend Sue.
(The piano, by the way, took three of us to move it.
There’s a scratch on the hardwood floor - just to prove it.)

Abbie, she’s six, and she reads like the wind
Each night before sleeping a book to the end.
For a little first grader, we both must concur,
She’s got a bright future - of that we are sure.
She takes ballet lessons each Thursday night,
She’s an Indian Princess, her name “Morning Light”.
Her dad’s “Mountain Heart”, and that’s not too shabby,
It takes a mountain-sized heart to keep up with Abbie.

Alec, he’s five now, and that’s a whole hand.
Time moves so quickly with our little man.
Lots of great things for him are just startin’,
This year it’s Pre-School, next year Kindergarten.
He wrestles with Dad with reckless abandon,
And more times than not, he’s the last man still standin’.
He loves his big brother, and he plays great with sis’,
And these are the days we know we will miss.

Christy is - whoops - I think it’d be wise,
Not to mention her age.  (She’s been 16 twice.)
Angelic in nature, my best friend in life,
Magnificent mother and wonderful wife.
Ask her a favor, consider it done.
Follows the Savior and loves everyone.
There aren’t nearly the words to fully describe
My eternal companion, my life’s love, my bride.

As for me, I am thirtysomething these days,
Sore backs and gray hairs and bad eyes show my age.
Except a bit of pneumonia I picked up this fall,
I have nothing to complain about to you at all.
I’m a very lucky man, and I readily agree,
I live a blessed life with my family.

I have this stake calling - it’s Cultural stuff.
Should say a “skate” calling - it’s easy enough.
It allowed me last April to relive my hey-day.
Directed Weber’s “Joseph” as a stake-wide play.
Christy, on the other hand, has a much greater call.
She’s working with Young Women, President of them all.
She shepherds all the teenage girls - that’s a lot to ask.
They look to her for leadership, she’s well-suited for the task.

New cousins this year sprouted from our family tree.
Little Cole S. Wroble and Byron, Malcolm G.
That gives Mamushka & Babushka chance to grin,
The great-grandchildren grand-total now sits at ten.

Old cousins summered with us - that was pretty neat,
(Old cousins simmered with us in the Myrtle Beach heat.)
Christy’s “sister” Holly and her boys Taylor & Nate,
From fair-weather Utah, learned new word: “perspirate”.

And then in late June, we took a two-week long trip
Along with Grandma Peggy ‘cross the mighty Mississipp’.
We moved her to Utah where she’s bought a lil’ shack.
After thirty years in Cary, she finally went back.

Ten years passed by pronto, and this past September,
Chris and I to Toronto to celebrate and remember.
She’s still as beautiful as she was our wedding day,
And me, hey, I’m just grateful, she still loves me, eh?

Thanksgiving brought Mikkelsens, Egberts and Kalunkis
And Christy (for the first time without mom) made the turkey.
Out of seventeen dinner guests no one got sick.
Chalk one up for chef Christy - that’s a pretty neat trick.
Then in December a most historic occasion,
We attended the Raleigh Temple dedication.
Now instead of traveling six hours to D.C.,
We can go anytime - hey, it’s just down the street.

Well, thanks for listening, that’s about all we’ve got.
And if you’re still reading this, you must like us a lot.
We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Great blessings lie in store for all, so all please take care.

-Alec, Abbie, Justin, Christy & Danny Martschenko