Thursday, June 16, 2011

All Hail The Mighty Regis

Somewhere out in Hollywood is an Irish punk band called The Mighty Regis.  Before today, none of us had ever heard of them.  Never listened to their music, although I understand they have just released their third album.  And yet, Abbie is now the proud owner of an authentic TMR sweatshirt.  How she came to acquire this unique article of clothing may be akin to one of the band's songs, aptly titled "Walking Around Lucky."

Well, maybe it wasn't the luck of the Irish so much. In fact, if we trace it back far enough, it all began with a very unfortunate and tragic event - the most unfortunate event imaginable.  Several years ago, the life of a young and energetic Cary High School student named Kassel Smit was tragically cut short at the tender age of 16.  In his memory, his parents established the Kassel Smit Make A Difference Scholarship, to award Cary High Students who, in their opinion, helped to make a difference in other people's lives, and who exemplified the characteristics that made up Kassel's personality.  Ths list of characteristics are long: creativity, sensitivity, respect, inquisition, exploration, fairness, giving, leadership, learning, fun, humor and love.  I'm humbled by his parents willingness to turn heartache into charity, and sadness into triumph.

We are taught that pride is a root cause of great deal of evil in the world, and so I try to avoid it when I can.  But does that mean parents can't be proud of their children?  I don't claim any credit for my children's accomplishments, but I am so happy for them when their accomplishments are recognized.  But what makes me happiest of all is when someone recognizes my child, not for what they've done, but for who they've become.

Abbie was awarded the Kassel Smit scholarship at Cary High this year.  To me, this was far more significant than any leading role in a play, any solo in a concert, and any recognition for being the best at doing something.  They saw her for who she truly is, a kindred spirit of Kassel himself, possessing all the qualities that make up a loving, hard-working and charitable individual.

Today is Kassel's 24th birthday.  We attended the annual picnic in his honor, which helps to raise the funding necessary to continue the scholarship.  There were over a hundred people in attendance.  As part of the evening, Kassel's parents gave out door prizes by drawing random tickets purchased at the door.  Prize after prize was given away - gift certificates to local restaurants, coffee mugs, loaves of gourmet bread, t-shirts, hats, etc.  We knew that we had already won the best prize of all, and were not concerned about winning anything further.  But when Mr. Smit held up one of the final items -- a warm looking sweatshirt, Abbie became a bit interested, as she had long winters to look forward to at BYU.

The sweatshirt had been donated by The Mighty Regis, along with CD's, t-shirts and a hat.  How is it The Mighty Regis has an interest in the Kassel Smit Scholarship?  Very simple. Kassel's older brother is a member of the band.

When Abbie's ticket number was pulled to win the sweatshirt, Mr. Smit recognized her as the recipient of the scholarship, and simply said, "Perfect."  Sometimes, who you are is enough to bring great blessings, and sometimes, its good just to be "Walking Around Lucky."  Abbie has both on her side.

We wish success to her at BYU, to the Smit family in their continued charity, and of course, to The Mighty Regis!

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