Monday, January 10, 2011

Christy's Suggestion

As with most things I do, I do it at her suggestion.  Her being my wife, Christy.  Write a Christmas poem, call your mother, drive safely, and now, start a blog.  All great suggestions, by the way, just not things I would think to do on my own.  And so it has been for twenty-one years of marriage, five children, and several houses and animals.  What I've become is the product of what I have done.  And much of what I've done is largely what she has suggested I do.

Of course, that's not to say I've done everything she's suggested.  Far from it.  Very far.  In fact, it's a long way from here to there, but we don't have time go into all that.  Let's just say that when I've taken her suggestion, good things usually happen.

Now, it's important to note here that Christy never asks me to do anything, nor does she tell me what to do.  She's not a nag.  She merely suggests, and I have found over the years that suggestions are stronger than requests or demands.  You know the old saying about sugar attracting more bees than vinegar, right?  Well, if you know Christy, you know she's well acquainted with sugar.  You may not know, though, that sugar and suggestion both originate from the root word sug (pronounced shug) which dates back to ancient times when Cleopatra told Antony, "Now, shug, here's what you're gonna do."

Suggestions are, in esssence, a mere hint of an action that has the potential to increase the affection and admiration of one who already loves you.  And so, needing all the affection and admiration I can get, I listen, I consider, and more often than not (but less often than always) I do.  I find that life is sweeter that way.  Sweet as sugar.

Now that I've done it, what will I do with it?  I expect it will become a cross between news of the family, and some of my own musings - sometimes one in the same.  Christy has suggested I post all of my poetry, especially the Christmas poems from the past decade or so.  And so, depending on how much admiration and affection I'm craving, you'll see whether or not that happens.  If it does, you'll have to decide whether they are worth reading, all I have to do is copy and paste.

Between me and you, though, Christy suggests you come back often.

1 comment:

  1. Speaking of sugar--is this an appropriate place to recommend my friend Melissa's blog? I have told my kids for years that Easter is the best "candy holiday" ever--now I am happy to have the clever and hip "Hey Nonny" backing me up. Peeps anyone?

    Candy Hoarding Season
